Coonara have a great range of Freestanding and Inbuilt wood and gas fire options to suit all homes. Coonara has been a trusted brand for over 35 years with all their heaters made here in Australia with Australian steel.
"We may be the sunburnt country, but Australia is a nation of extremes. As the cooler months set in and we trade our boardies for beanies and cold ones for steaming hot mugs of tea, there comes a longing for the kind of gentle, comforting warmth that only a log fire can satisfy."
For over 35 years, Coonara, the warmest Aussie legend has been the heart of any home – the place where families gather to share long evenings by the fire. You just can’t beat the rustic charm and atmosphere that a flickering flame creates – it’s better than colour TV.
As we look towards the future of heating, we’re excited to incorporate new technologies into our designs. Our gas log heaters boast 4 plus star ratings and efficiency rates up to 84.7%. These advancements represent a step in the right direction for the environment, ensuring that families will continue to gather around their Coonara heater for many generations to come.